Increase your ready-mix profits by managing bulk materials

By managing your bulk materials inventory with Trans-Flo pneumatic handling systems, you can add to your profits three ways. (1) Buying materials such as cement when prices are low and storing them until needed. Or by accepting bulk shipments at low volume times for the manufacturers, you can negotiate better prices. (2) By using electrically powered, high efficiency Trans-Flo components, operating costs are minimized. (3) Virtual elimination of moving parts in Trans-Flo components drastically reduces maintenance cost.

Trans-Flo bulk materials systems are built by a ready-mix producer for ready-mix producers. We test every concept in a working ready-mix plant...our own. So you can be certain that it will work the way we say it will. We say that a TFC motor blower will unload a bulk tanker truck or rail car at faster speeds and cost savings of up to $6.00 per load or more.

Why Trans-Flo Corporation? Click here to find out more.

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